What St. Valentine's Day Doesn't Have to be About....

Hi friends! I hope everyone has had a beautiful day of love. My day began with a beautiful Ash Wednesday mass led by the Catholic grade school near me- it was SO CUTE. Also, our priest asked if there was "more than one" in my belly so if that doesn't tell you how big I'm getting I'm not sure what would 😂  But after church I picked up my favorite Starbucks drink and also some V-Day doughnuts because unfortunately I was too hungry to wait to make breakfast....the pregnant life. (Side note- does Target not sell those refrigerated pre-assembled scones?? The ones that come packaged like little cookie dough squares? I looked forever for them and they were no where to be found.....someone who knows PLS update me on the status of my fave scones)

I spent the rest of my day baking Matthew cookies and banana bread (he actually asked for banana bread for Valentine's Day; so easy to please that man) and of course, studying. I also tried to give myself a mani-pedi and while the manicure went just fine, it has finally become completely impossible to give myself a pedicure. Guess Matthew has a chore to do when he gets home!
But enough about my Ash Wednesday/Valentine's, I have an actual reason for today's post lol. I spent a good amount of time thinking about how in the world people hate this holiday and it seems to be mostly because those unbelievably adorable couples really shine today and that can make people feel lonely! Totally understandable! So I just wanted to remind everyone that Valentine's Day does not have to be about your significant other! It is equally about dedicating a day to loving yourself, loving your support system, loving your pets maybe....the possibilities are endless. Valentine's Day is for literally everyone in every situation! I genuinely hope those that usually resent the day find peace in that 💗 

So other than my wonderful husband, I dedicate today to my immediate family (mom, dad, brother Matt, and Jon), my new mother and father/brother and sister/nieces and nephew (on the way!) in law, my new church here, my mentorship team in Manhattan (LOVE YOU Dawn, Todd, Tess and everyone!!), all of my friends close or distant, and lastly literally anyone who follows along/reads this blog. The amount of support you all give is overwhelming and the kindness you all show is what fills my heart and makes me love this holiday so much. I'd of course like to give something back other than my words, so I'm doing my very first giveaway! My favorite nail polish is the one I used for my mani-(almost)pedi today and it's perfect for Valentine's Day. Unfortunately they no longer sell the red I purchased (677 Rouge Rubis) so I'm giving away the next closest color which is 528 Rouge Puissant. Follow the Rafflecopter prompts to enter! 

(Giveaway open to United States. Giveaway will end next Wednesday (2/21) at midnight. Winner will have one day after being notified to claim the gift. If I receive no response, I will have a new random winner generated. Good luck to all 💗 )

I love you all! Happy St. Valentine's Day/Ash Wednesday!


a Rafflecopter giveaway
