Halloween with the Taylors

This is a pretty rare blog post just about the fam! I've always loved holidays way too much, so days like today really excite me. Even though Theodore really isn't old enough to partake in the festivities, my mother got a cute little costume for him and we all had a wonderful evening. I even got a few snacks for the trick-or-treaters that never came 😂

Tonight Matthew and I went for a stroll with Theodore around sunset. Theodore had on his Donald Duck costume, he got lots of compliments, and we watched the families run around and gather their candy. The sunset was bright pink and it was so beautiful over the Flint Hills. 

Still doing my makeup-less week and loving it! Also peep those postpartum baby hairs....yikes! 

When we got home little Teddy went in for bed-time pretty quickly, and Matthew and I got to make caramel popcorn balls and are currently watching a scary Halloween movie. Ever since I made the caramel for the pumpkin scones I have looked for any opportunity to remake it. So for the popcorn balls I used the same caramel recipe, but instead of thickening with powdered sugar, I used marshmallows so that when it cooled and I stirred the popcorn in I could then form them into balls and they would stick together.  

If anybody would like a full recipe for caramel popcorn balls I would love to give it to you or of course make a post out of it! I hope everyone had a wonderful evening. Make sure to post all the photos so I can see what you all have been up to as well!!

Talbots no longer carries this sweater, here are some other cute and similar Talbots options: fringe crewneck - scallop hem sweater - pom pom sweater - favorite time tan sweaterjeans - boots (on sale!) 

