Getting Back Into Shape Post-Pregnancy

Hi all! I recently asked what type of things you all need advice on or want to read on this blog, and the overwhelming majority of you are seeking exercise advice! This can be such a touchy, personal subject and I'm honored to have received the messages that I did from you being so vulnerable about this. I'm passionate about my health, and even about helping others feel healthy and beautiful as well. The process of pregnancy and birth can take a toll on your self confidence as you watch your body take on a whoooole new form, obviously larger than you've ever been, and sometimes it's hard to still feel beautiful! You CAN recognize that what's happening is a wonderful thing and be happy about it while still not feeling confident. It's possible and not something to be ashamed of. With all of that being said, it helps the self confidence to have a plan! In this post I'm going to share all of the resources I have used in the past year to get my body back to it's (almost) old self! I worked VERY hard to physically look better but I also worked just as hard on my mental health. It's just as important to learn why you're working out and eating healthy. Hopefully you can work on it being truly for your well-being and not because you're worried what others will think. You deserve to be healthy, you deserve to feel good/confident, and you deserve to do it for YOU! Let's get started. 

If You're Currently Pregnant...

If you're pregnant, start NOW! My doctor recommended to exercise daily, but pregnancy is not the time to push yourself. For me, pregnancy was my first real shot at yoga. There are loooots of great sources for pregnancy yoga, and I even did a pretty simple blog post on it here. Any time you want to refer to that, go to and click search in the upper right hand, search for "yoga" and it'll pop right up! 

In the early stages of pregnancy, my favorite ways to exercise were an easy jog in the morning, lunges, leg raises, and squat pulses. I would make sure to do a few simple exercises such as these daily and just get a sweat going. It did NOT matter to get stronger or leaner and I wasn't worrying about muscles at all, truly. Just making sure I was healthy and baby had a secure place to grow. There are lots of odd exercises that are not okay during pregnancy, so make sure to talk with your doctor about what is okay and what isn't- he or she will be SO happy you asked! 

Lastly, DIET! Pregnancy cravings are intense, ladies. I already had a sweet tooth, so you can imagine my struggle with that darn thing 😂 And it's okay to eat sweet things! Just remember that you're nourishing your little baby. That thought was what kept me from over-indulging. (Note: I said over-indulging. I definitely did SOME indulging, lol.) Some of my favorite treats that tasted like indulging but were actually okay for me were dates and peanut butter, banana ice cream, cherries and strawberries dipped in a little melted dark chocolate, and this chocolate oat cookie recipe

When you're pregnant, just remember everything you do is aiding in the growth of your baby. Don't do it alone. There are lots of specific pregnancy blogs you can read for advice, you can ALWAYS dm me for advice, your doctor is a doctor because they want to help, ask your mother/mommy friends, your religious leader, I could go on! There are LOTS of people who want to help you, I promise. 

Post Pregnancy Ladies...
A few weeks before I had Theodore I purchased the Sweat app. They have looots of exercise programs all available with your one simple membership. I used the post-pregnancy exercise program as soon as my doctor cleared me for exercise. It is very important to wait until your body is ready to exercise again- don't push it. The app also has meal plans! They're super healthy, easy to make, and (most importantly) delicious! I followed those meal plans almost exactly for the entire time I used the app and I wouldn't have had it any other way. It made creating a grocery list SO easy and I really didn't have to think about dinner at all since everything I needed was just sitting there in the app for me. On off days I took advantage of their yoga routines just to keep moving without doing anything strenuous. I LOVED it! I can't say enough good things about the app and if you're curious about it I'd love to chat and answer your questions!

I used that app for about a year and then cancelled the subscription. It was honestly just because I wanted to put that payment towards my wedding. So I started looking around for good free exercise programs and thats exactly what I found! Not a "program" necessarily, but a very knowledgable Youtube did I lose you? She really is knowledgable. Sydney Cummings has a following over 100k and posts a video every single day, I believe. Her workouts range from 20 minute stretches that mostly feature yoga to 50 minute workouts. I always choose the most recent 30 minute routine and it ROCKS. Since it's only 30 minutes she really keeps you going the whole time to get the most out of your time that she can. It's usually like 45 seconds of an exercise and 15 seconds of rest and the last 3 minutes are stretching. Putting it that way kind of makes it sound really easy but it isn't! I think one of my favorite things about her exercises is that she explains WHY you're doing everything and is super motivational. Again, would love to answer your questions about her workouts if you have any!

If you know me you know I'm a pretty big fan of running, and have been forever. So I alternate days with Sydney Cummings workouts and a good run, and always take a weekend day off. The Sweat app has a run tracker that I love, but I'm currently using Nike Run Club. Actually, I've used Nike's running app off and on since high school! They have guided runs (which I've never actually used, lol), communities of people who encourage you, you can link up your friends, 4-week plans, 8-week plans, "Race Day" prep plans, and literally sooo much more. And it's free. How? Idk, but I love it. I really only use the "quickstart" runs just so I can trace my running trail and keep track of miles. The only thing I feel it's lacking are meal plans! If I were on an 8-week plan or something similar, I feel that I'd want to have a healthy meal plan set out for me as well- however I think the app would need to cost something if it included meal plans. So for free, this app is literally amazing for a runner!

Speaking of meal plans, let's talk healthy eating! I always hear that your health is 80% what you eat and 20% your physical activity. If you live that way, you're going to be FIT 😂 Like really dang fit. But it's HARD. I'm pretty disciplined when it comes to health, but of course I do have my bad days. I think part of the reason I have been successful losing my baby weight was because of discipline, which I'm sure is not what you want to hear. There really wasn't ONE magic program or ONE weird drink that helped me lose weight and please don't believe those who will try to sell you (literally and figuratively) this solution. It takes a plan, work ethic, and a community (which can just be reading other's fitness journeys or asking your friends to go on a run with you, that simple really!). I've learned a lot through being disciplined, though! Healthy eating has become something I love, and I've done a few posts about the meals I've made for Matthew and I: 

Sickie Detox Soup (good even if you're not sick)

Cranberry, Sweet Potato, Feta Side Dish (...replace brown sugar with coconut sugar, lol)

These recipes are constantly in rotation! As much as I love searching for new recipes and trying new things, these are all easy with simple ingredients.

Okay, that's a lot. But this is basically how I've worked on recovery since I had Theodore. Nothing too crazy, just a plan and discipline. I would LOVE to talk to any of you about what your goals on and give recommendations to help you get started on your fitness journey. It's hard to do alone, so PLEASE reach out! I am not affiliated with any of these brands!

Thank you for reading! Please let me know if I can help you get motivated to heal your beautiful body!

