Meatless Menu Week 2

Honestly, I kinda dropped the ball this week! I made the menu, got the groceries, and only made 3/5 recipes! Monday was a holiday and Thursday Matthew asked if I wanted Jimmy Johns...obviously I wanted Jimmy Johns (veggie sammie all the way-what's your fave??)! But I still want to share with you all the menu so you can use it as your reference for your meatless week!
Cheese Tortellini & Pesto with Parmesan

This was not a fancy recipe 😂 at all. I saw frozen tortellini at the grocery store and immediately craved it so bad! So I also picked up pre-made pesto and parmesan cheese. However, we ended up visiting my grandparents because Monday was Labor Day! So this meal did not get made. But it's still a great option for your meatless menu! Hopefully I'll make this soon because it sounded so good!

Lemon Butter Salmon with Zucchini Noodles
This was a super simple dish I just whipped up- no recipe. I purchased pre-packaged and portioned salmon filets for this. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the salmon filets on a baking sheet prepared with olive oil. Slice two very thin slivers of butter and lay them on top of the salmon along with a few thin slices of lemon. I also squeezed a few drops of fresh lemon juice over the top of the filets. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

I used a vegetable spiralizer to make noodles out of two zucchinis (to serve two- I find one zucchini is usually enough for one serving). Toss the zucchini noodles on a skillet over medium/low heat with olive oil, 1 tsp minced garlic, and salt and pepper. I only cook the noodles until they're heated through and not browning, but it depends on your preference! Serve the fish and noodles with parmesan sprinkled over them. 
Here's the thing: store bought salsa verde all. the. way. It only saved about five minutes but these days I'll take what I can get 😂 The only other thing I changed was the tortillas! Matthew and I aren't huge fans of corn tortillas, so we used flour and they turned out just fine! Delicious, actually! The veggies could have roasted for a while longer, but that was my bad. It says for 20 minutes, which is what I did, but everyone's oven is slightly different so I should have paid attention and just left them in a while longer. You really want them to be slightly browning for the perfect enchilada flavor. 

I was really excited for this meal, but Jimmy John's was just too good to pass up. But the recipe looks super simple and soooo delicious. I'm definitely going to be making it soon, I can't not

The best recipes are the ones that say "Put all ingredients into a crockpot and cook for 6 hours" 😂 Which is essentially what this is! I added way more potatoes than called for and threw in a few fresh tomatoes that I had but other than that I made it exactly how the recipe calls to. I love meals that you can just throw in the crockpot in the morning and it's ready in the evening when you are. Your whole house ends up smelling amazing and it makes the evening so much more relaxing. This was delicious and we have plenty of left-overs!

So sorry that this menu is so wonky! I had such an odd busy (kinda stressful) week and my usual routine was absolutely obsolete. I hope you've got everything you need here to create your menu for next week! However, I was thinking- would it be helpful for me to create the actual grocery list for the week? Like I'd still include what I have here- each recipe, a photo, and some notes- but at the beginning or very end of the post I'd include the exhaustive list (probably in PDF form) of grocery items you need to complete the week. Is that something that would be helpful?? Please let me know!!

Thank you for reading!

