Meatless Menu Week 3

Happy Saturday! This week truly flew by. Something about this week really kept me inspired and my creative juices were flowing! I did a lot of designing for Etsy and planning for future blog posts and obviously, testing out recipes. This week's recipes felt so fresh and unique and honestly were all delicious. Taking time to create a homemade dish for your family or yourself is sometimes a labor of love, but always rewarding. I hope you love this week's dinner!

I loved this recipe because it was so fresh. Creating the sauce from scratch with these delicious tomatoes made me feel like such a chef. I did everything very according to the book because I had never made tikka masala before and I wanted it to be perfect. And honestly, I wouldn't have changed anything anyway! Matthew and I both loved it and I'd make it again.


Ok, seriously- what can't you do with cauliflower?? I'll save you some time, you can do everything with cauliflower. These tacos were amazing! I don't think Matthew even missed the meat this time! I did change just a few things. First, I used two heads of cauliflower instead of would have been plenty. πŸ˜‚ I just happened to have two and I knew it would go bad if I didn't use it! So our taco components weren't too balanced but it was delicious nonetheless. Second, I don't have an open flame to char the tortillas, so I simply tossed them one at a time onto a nonstick skillet over just-under-medium heat until they got crisp.

Vegan Buddha Bowl

Um, clearly mine was not vegan πŸ˜‚ I didn't get enough chickpeas for the week and realized this when it was too late! So I used what we had- ground turkey. I would have much rather had it with chickpeas, but if you don't like them or something, turkey was still great! This was one of those recipes that I thought would be "ehhh" but was delicious. Matthew agreed! If I were to make it again, I'd use two red peppers in the sauce instead of only one.

Mashed Potato Bowl

Lol, another bowl full of goods. There's something so convenient about these "bowl" dinners! You get all the different types of nutrients you need in them and they're usually very simple to make. Today's dinner and yesterday's are great examples of this.

My favorite components of this dish were the gravy and the crispy tofu bites. You guys, SO GOOD! Be sure to bake the tofu until it has color! When the panko starts to get color it gets even more flavorful and in a bowl full of potatoes, you want that serious crunch. One of the recipe ingredients was "roasted veggies" and for that I chose broccoli, but when I was making the recipe I wasn't sure what I had bought the broccoli for and didn't want to use it in this in case it was actually for something else, hahaha. So the only veggie in here was the corn and I honestly think that's enough! Side note: I always thought I was weird for loving corn with my mashed potatoes and finding this recipe made me so happy! Turns out I'm not the only one that thinks it's a magical combo!

Korean-Style Popcorn Cauliflower

So on Friday Matthew had groomsmen duties and wasn't home all day and Theodore spent some time with his grandparents (love you guys!) so it was just me. And honestly I did not want to make dinner (especially for only me) because I do my best to take advantage of the free time I get and packed the day with errands and activities, so by evening I was exhausted. (Right now actually...I'm typing this up at 6:00 pm Friday, lol). So I ordered some sushi and soup and I'm going to watch a movie. Every time Theodore spends time with mine or Matthew's parents it's typically "so you can rest" or "so you can relax" but I never spend it that way! I'm sure all mommies can relate to that. And since I really packed today in with aaaallll the things I needed to get done, I'm actually going to relax tonight (and I'm not going to feel bad about itπŸ˜‹).

I hope you all got to have a relaxing Friday night as well! Or maybe a raging Friday night...whatever floats your boat πŸ˜‰ Thank you for reading!! I'm loving testing out all these meatless recipes!

