Your Capsule Wardrobe Doesn't Have to Be Boring

Hey guys, let's talk capsule wardrobe. You've heard of them, you've seen the graphics, but have you ever thought they might look a little bland? I certainly have. I think it's relatively important (it's beneficial, but there are more important things in life if we want to go there, lol) to have a capsule "section" of your wardrobe because it can making packing quicker and easier, it can give your "off" days a little more ease, and if you need a "go-to" outfit you'll always have one and you'll easily be able to switch it up. But, again, it doesn't have to be all white tee's, nude shoes, and cardigans. 

The entire point of a capsule wardrobe is to have a handful of pieces in every category that can be mixed and matched with any other piece to create a versatile wardrobe with minimal pieces. But all of these pieces can have your personality in them! My spring capsule wardrobe should be about florals (duh), light colors, linen fabric, and things of that sort because that's who I am. I put together a capsule wardrobe with personality (incidentally, my personality) to give you a stepping stone to start to create your own! If you love any of these pieces that you see, include them in your spring wardrobe. If you happen to have similar style to mine, copy this spring wardrobe top to bottom. I'm here to help 😉

This spring capsule wardrobe is full of lively pieces that I can mix and match with each other for any sort of day/weather and it's full of personality. Enjoy!

Notice how the mom jeans can be dressed up or down depending on the shoe and top chosen. They can be worn with almost any other item in the graphic! Same goes for the shorts and the skirt. Mix around all of these pieces and you've got date night, chilling at home, church, a stroll...literally anything. Also, in the spring I opt to toss my rain jacket on over my outfit obviously if it's raining, but also if it's just a slightly chillier day. There's no other season that a raincoat makes sense so I really try to utilize mine in the spring! This yellow rain jacket compliments all of the other colors in the pieces here and these colors are my favorites right now for spring. I want to wear that jacket with the floral t-shirt dress and sneakers ASAP, seriously!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope this inspired your spring capsule wardrobe!

