Trend alert: Clay Earrings

3. mini selahs (love. these.)

Hi all! It's been a while. Life got crazy for I think just about everyone. My job got a little busy and with that came a lot of learning and time spent doing so, we BOUGHT A HOUSE (yes!!!), we were in self-isolation thanks to the coronavirus, and like most people I decided to spend some time quieter than usual apart from all of those reasons to help shed light on racial injustices our nation has been experiencing since its dawn. Right now, we're still powering through change, but I feel confident that it's an appropriate time for us to do both- continue sharing the voices that have been silenced for so long and continue sharing things I love via the blog! 

A lot of times I let trends pass by me because I truly am a fan of a simple, classic look (most of the time) but I am loving this clay earring trend. You guys already know how much I love earrings- I spent forever creating them for my Etsy store. But even though I'm finished with that my love for earrings lives on. This type especially! Links 1-6 above are all from the Etsy stores of black women who are really killing the game!! Their shops have the cutest earrings and a few shops have more than that! I urge you to check them out by clicking the links under the graphic. The red white and blue clay earrings I'm wearing below are from a local (to Wichita) artist that is a friend of a friend. If you'd like to see what she has available please comment or message me on Instagram, @elizabetht.taylor. 
hat - similar swimsuit (you can monogram it!)

I'm really looking forward to finding some sort of routine again! Isn't it funny how while we're in the middle of our routines we want something to interrupt it and when we're on breaks (or lockdowns) we just want our usual back! The grass is always greener 😉

Please let me know what you'd like to see this summer on the blog! I'll definitely need your help getting started again!

Thank you for reading!!

