A Fantastic Brow Product


Yikes look at those morning brows 😂

My brows and I have never gotten along. My eyebrow hairs grow in wild. There's not a lot of eyebrow hair but somehow they still end up bushy? They certainly are not uniform in any way. I don't know, they just love to give me problems. Side note: I've never had them professionally done, but I'm seriously considering having them shaped and laminated? If you've had them done hit me up and let me know what you thought. 

In the meantime though, I've tried sooo many brow products trying to get these bad boys to look nice! The Benefit Brow Microfilling Pen is the first that has got the job done well. I've got a little system on days that I spend time doing my makeup and it has been so much better than my other brow adventures that I needed to share. There are a few steps to the brow routine outside of the one product but it's overall very quick and easy!

Step 1: Brush brows upward and outward using this Elf brow brush.

Already so much better! Compare this brushed brow to the very first photo, which is natural, just-woke-up brows and you can really tell how you shouldn't skip this step!

Step 2: Tweeze any crazy hairs that are way above or below the natural brow or have gotten too long. Don't over-tweeze, y'all. Also don't try to shape your brows or change their size on your own. Let your esthetician work that out!

Step 3: Fill in! Start slowly. This product has three little "tongs" (is there a better word for them?) that make teeny tiny little lines that mimic your brow hairs. So basically (very lightly) paint in brow hairs where you'd want them. It's a great tool to get a nice straight line along the bottom of your brow and have the top remain looking brushed. So brush through with the microfilling pen lightly once, then take a step back and see where you might need a little more. 

Step 4: The fourth and final step is half-optional. I spray them with Urban Decay All Nighter setting spray because, truly, my brows do whatever they want. A slight breeze and they go haywire. But if your brows tend to stay in place you can probably skip this one!

That's all there is to it! If you have eyebrow products that have helped tame crazy brows, feel free to send the recommendations my way! I'm always testing out new beauty products and trying to find what works best. 

Thank you for reading!

