A Few Good Habits for 2021

I'm excited for 2021 for so many reasons, besides the simple fact that we are leaving behind 2020. 2020 was a mess, that much is obvious. (Need I even elaborate? 😬) I had a really hard time organizing both mentally and physically. I feel the word "mess" is just exactly the way to describe my year. But even though I feel I couldn't catch a breath and the year just kept throwing wild card after wild card our way, it was also kind of good. I had a successful first year in my new career, Theodore grew unimaginably physically and mentally, we got our puppy who has filled us all with so much happiness, we bought a new house (!!!) and I'm loving house projects and just being a home owner, and luckily my friends and family have remained healthy. I'm so blessed that out of a year of turmoil we had so much happiness!

My resolution last New Year's Even was to "be content". I think I grew in that and having a satisfied head space helped me to grow otherwise. I was able to be myself, love my family and friends, grow my business, and dedicate time to hobbies (that turned into a business of its own, lol) this year and I attribute those successes to the healthy mindset I worked hard to foster. As always, we still have so much room to grow and learn and for the near year my resolution is just that! With the right mindset you can do anything you want, and I truly believe that. It obviously takes action as well, but you won't be able to do what it takes without that mindset first. This year I'll continue working on my health mentally and physically so I have the capacity to grow in other aspects of my life! I hope 2021 is far better than 2020, but if there was so much good that came out of 2020, I know we will be just fine no matter what happens. 

I wanted to share a few of the things that kept me sane in the past year and a few that helped me grow. 

  1. Gthx app: Every morning I open this app. There are multiple prompts usually focused on simple things that you're grateful for, that make you happy, etc. And you just jot notes down about those things! Focusing on the good is so important always, but especially in times like we've had recently. 
  2. Bible app: If you're religious, you probably already have this app dowloaded. Having the bible readily available on my phone has been nice. I love the reading plans, because diving right into the bible un-guided can be daunting. You can choose plans that guide you through passages of the bible for very specific intentions- anxiety, change, acceptance....I could go on forever! If you're seeking guidance about a particular thing, this Bible app is likely to have a reading plan for you. 
  3. Other than apps, my hobbies got me through this past year. Needlepoint and running were really what helped put my mind at ease on the difficult days and I even got into sewing ever so slightly last month. This year I hope to make curtains and pillows with my sewing machine! If you want to test out needlepoint, my shop is ETaylorNeedlepoint on Etsy. And if you're looking for a good app for runners, I still use the Nike Run Club app. I just like tracking my routes and times. It even breaks it down per mile and shows you your times and gives a graphic showing your quickest paces and slowest. 
  4. Cooking vegan. This took a lot of energy this year. I don't know why, but I feel like it was really hard to find recipes that I loved that were vegan. Luckily I'm kind of getting used to the recipes now and I am starting to love them. But for a few months out of the year it took excessive planning and diligence, but it was a great "hobby" to pick up this year. I starting cooking vegan dinner every day this year mainly for environmental reasons. A good start is having a "meatless Monday" and if you feel like you can cut out more later cross that bridge when you get to it! My favorite vegan blogger I've found so far is Sarah at Well and Full
  5. Home updates. We haven't gotten very far, but even just planning the home updates were a welcome escape this year. We began painting the exterior, but the weather turned so quickly and remained freezing so we haven't begun again. We've also been slowly updating our laundry area. However, we've been waiting on a new washing machine for almost two months I believe (?) and we put it on hold until that arrives! Lastly, we painted the bedrooms and have been purchasing little things here and there to pull it all together. I just ordered an outdoor rug for our "conversation set" and I'm really excited to see it when it arrives on Wednesday!
Clearly this year was fantastic for new hobbies and home projects. What new thing did you do or learn this year? I'm sure 2021 will have its fair share of new hobby learning 😊

Thanks for reading!!

