Sneakers for Your New Year's Resolution

 I've seen a lot of hate circulating around New Year's Resolutions this year...understandably so! I think some people make a new year's resolution that is not attainable or it's just too much or too sudden of a life change and it gives resolutions a bad reputation. But, being the eternal optimist that I am, I totally believe in the power of a well-intentioned, challenging resolution. I always set intentions, big or small, because I am always in need of guidance. If I don't plan out the following day the day or night before, I know it will be a wasted day because I'll spend too long trying to prioritize what needs to get done instead of just beginning. In a similar way, I feel that if I don't set any intentions I'll waste the year dilly-dallying. 

I touched on it in my last blog post, but I'll mention it again. My resolution for this year is to continue working on being content. There are many facets to this and it's a really personal resolution so I won't go into too much detail- it would simply take far too long. However, last year's "word" I chose was content because it was something I was really struggling with. Thank goodness, after this previous year, I feel a lot different at the beginning of this year, but there is always progress to be made. So this year I still plan on working on being happy with where I'm at, but challenging myself in healthy ways to get better. One of the ways I'll be challenging myself is through exercise. I definitely fell out of routine when it came to my exercise last year and I'm honestly okay with that. It's not something I'll beat myself up about because it was such a hard year. But I know this year is a great opportunity to prioritize that! So I'll be running again and dedicating an hour every morning to yoga and Sydney Cummings

I did a 3 mile run yesterday, and I noticed that my shoes were all but falling apart 😅 Time for a new pair I guess! I love buying shoes so much that I've never worn a pair of running shoes until they fell apart and I'm honestly kind of proud! I thought this would be a great opportunity to share my findings as I search for a new pair for myself. 

I still haven't decided which is my favorite but I'm really leaning toward the Cloudace Running shoe! I've ran with Nike and Adidas my entire life so I'm thinking it might be time for something new! If you have recommendations for a shoe you've loved for cardio (does not have to be distance running of course) please send that info my way!!

Thank you for reading!

