Croc Patterned Bags

Happy weekend!! Today I'm shooting a wedding with my mom (she's the wedding photographer- I'm just giving assistance!) and tomorrow I'm showing homes all day of course 😂 but it's bound to be a great weekend because the weather is finally beautiful. Matthew and I went to dinner last night and it was actually a little chilly! And with beautiful, slightly chilly weather, comes fall fashion. One thing I love in the fall is a good leather bag- they do work year round but are especially gorgeous with all the fall colors!

 I can't get enough of a good crocodile leather/faux leather bag. They work year round and with just about any outfit and for that reason I highly recommend having one in your closet! Matthew gifted me a croc stye bag for Christmas last year and I've worn it daily since then. I toss my work gear in it Monday-Friday, I've used it as a diaper bag, etc. etc.! Since it's so versatile I have really felt like it's the only bag I need. Below are some fantastic crocodile picks. What better time to get a new back than a new fall season??

*The last bag, bottom right, is found on and is not "link-able"! But I love it and had to include it!*

I'm so excited fall fashion is here and I can't wait to share more. Thank you for reading!

This post contains commissionable links. 


  1. The most common leather used by furniture manufacturers is rag-to-richen calfskin, which comes from cattle reared in India. To utilize this method, the skin of the animal must be removed beforehand. Seal your leather to keep it longer lasting after you've acquired it and determined whether it should be treated with a suitable wax or oil (depending on the type). If you want to learn how to be a leatherworker, check leatherhandy website. Leathercraft is all about using hides to create items with form and function. For thousands of years, leather has been utilized in the production of goods as a flexible, long-lasting material.


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